Chatbot automations with one click

Our Mission is to help businesses grow by building relationships

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Chatbot for Instagram

Increase big scale instagram

Peki, can help companies communicate with their customers in a more interactive way, which can help them acquire more customers.

Increased Customer Engagement6: Instagram is a great platform for engaging with your customers. Peki can quickly respond to customer comments or messages, increasing customer satisfaction.

Better Marketing Strategies: Peki can collect important data on customer interactions. This data can help you improve your marketing strategies and better respond to your customers' needs

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Chatbot automations with one click

Your Customers are on Messenger

Peki, facebook messenger also automates customer acquisition and keeping them happy, so you have more time for everything else.

Faster and More Effective Customer Feedback: By collecting customer feedback instantly, Peki provide quick and effective feedback on your business's products or services. This way, your business can take quick action to better respond to your customers' needs and improve the quality of your products or services.

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Chatbot for Whatsapp

Connect with your Customers Stage

Peki, can help companies communicate with their customers in a more interactive way, which can help them acquire more customers.

Instant Response: Through WhatsApp integration, your customers can quickly get answers to their questions anytime via Peki. This can increase customer satisfaction and provide a better customer experience.

WhatsApp as a Communication Channel: Your customers can perform many tasks through Peki, such as asking questions about your products or services, making appointments, or placing orders. This makes WhatsApp an important communication channel for your company.

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Chatbot for Twitter

Direct Customers to Your Twitter

Peki, can help companies communicate with their customers in a more interactive way, which can help them acquire more customers.

Data Collection and Analysis: Peki can collect valuable data from customer interactions on Twitter, which can be analyzed to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs. This information can be used to improve products and services and to develop more effective marketing strategies.

Cost Savings: Integrating Peki to Twitter can help businesses save costs by reducing the need for human customer service agents. Peki can handle a high volume of customer inquiries and provide instant responses without the need for additional staffing

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